Month: August 2014

Review of If You Want To See A Whale

We Read
If You Want To See A Whale
Words by Julie Fogliano, Pictures by Erin E. Stead
A Neal Porter Book Published by Roaring Brook Press


What Parents Will Love About If You Want To See A Whale:

This book is so perfectly poetic! I love how rhythmic it is without a single actual rhyme throughout. And, there’s some wonderful imagery, a quality I find to be lacking in even the better of children’s literature–probably because the text in picture books rely’s so heavily (and inherently) on illustration. That said, the visuals here are also gorgeously drawn and colored.

“if you want to see a whale
be careful not to notice
something inching, small and green
across the leaf, just nibble scoot
because things that are smaller than most small things
can’t be as giant as a whale”

What Kids Will Love About If You Want To See A Whale:
For children, this book reads like an instruction manual on what to do “if you want to see a whale” but really, it’s all about how to wait. My son insists we read this multiple times in a single sitting, and I think it’s because on some level he relates. When you’re young, the world must seem like an endless line…waiting for Mommy and Daddy to finish talking, waiting to go out and play, waiting until you’re big enough to do x, y, and z. But, kids are creative and curious and wonderful at distracting themselves, just like the character in this book. While waiting, he looks for pirates, and smells flowers, and imagines shapes in the clouds, until finally he has waited long enough to spot a whale.

Where We Acquired If You Want To See A Whale:
Library (but we will absolutely be purchasing a copy of this book, as it was a big hit with everyone)

Retail Price For If You Want To See A Whale:
$16.99 USD from Macmillan Publishers