Month: November 2014

Review of Mirror Mirror

We Read
Mirror Mirror
by Marilyn Singer, Illustrated by Josée Masse
Dutton Children’s Books, An imprint of Penguin Group (USA) Inc.


What Parents Will Love About Mirror Mirror
Like the popular book, The True Story Of The Three Little Pigs, Mirror Mirror expands and warps the classic fairy tales we all know and love. Unlike TTSOTTLP, Mirror Mirror is told in verse. The poems don’t rhyme, they are written in playful, emotive voices that capture intriguing aspects of each character.

I’m pretty in love with all of the poems, but a couple favorites include ‘The Sleeping Beauty and the Wide-Awake Prince’ in which both Beauty and her Prince are disappointed with the roles they play in their fairy tale, and a thoughtful piece about Rumpelstiltskin and the unnamed heroine titled ‘Do You Know My Name?’

And, don’t forget Follow Follow, the equally wonderful companion book to Mirror Mirror!

What Kids Will Love About Mirror Mirror
The tongue-in-cheek tone and verses–sometimes questioning the original tale itself–will resonate with kids, who are usually pretty eager to dismantle the status quo. (Or maybe that’s just Lee? Anyone? Help, please.) If your children are older, encourage them to try writing their own reversible rhymes. Or, if they’re young, consider this a good opportunity to begin imparting the lessons learned from hearing the many sides of the same story.

Where We Acquired Mirror Mirror
The Library

Retail Price for Mirror Mirror
Dutton lists this book at $16.99 usd, but at the time of this post, Amazon is selling the hardcover edition at $13.06.