Month: December 2015


We Read:
Race Car Count 
Rebecca Kai Dotlich, Illustrated by Michael Slack
Published by Henry Holt and Company


What Parents Will Love About Race Car Count:
Concept books are great, educationally speaking. Exposing our kids to letters, numbers, shapes, colors, etc. wohoo! But they often be slow moving for the grown-ups because, I mean, we know these things already! Which is why it’s nice that Race Car Count, by virtue of its subject matter, has some momentum behind its story. These ten, personality-filled, cars whip around the racetrack, counting up to who will cross the finish line first!

What Kids Will Love About Race Car Count:
Lee loved the cars best, and I don’t just mean because they were cars. The illustrations render these vehicles with quirks like sly grins, angry eyes, and gloating expressions, and he thought it was hilarious. Also, there’s an activity kit for download that comes with an easy race car counting board game! So easy to that Lee has beaten me every time we’ve played it… not that I’m a sore loser đŸ˜‰ Link to the kit can be found here.

Where We Acquired Race Car Count:
Our copy was sent by the illustrator, Michael Slack, for review. We also received a copy of his cute alien book Wazdot?

And a video!