Susan Jeffers

Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening

We Read:
Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening
Written by Robert Frost, Illustrated by Susan Jeffers
Published by E.P. Dutton (reprinted with permission of Holt, Rienhart and Winston, Publishers)


A classic Frost poem converted to picture-book form and illustrated. This was one of my fathers, and my, favorite poems growing up. Maybe one day it will be one of Lee’s favorites, too.

What parents will love:
When Lee was still a few months old, we were bored and stuck indoors all winter. I used to wrap him in a sling and traverse our tiny apartment, reading aloud Howl by Alan Ginsberg to pass time. Though poetry is considered a form that goes above children’s heads, as a parent and writer, I disagree. Frost especially is one poet whose work can be digested at many ages, and with each new read, fresh insight can be gained. A toddler may only be able to appreciate the textured, downy snowflakes he describes, while at five years old they may wonder what kind of promises the speaker of the poem intends keep.

What kids will love:
Not all poems rhyme (perhaps not even most poems!) but Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening has rhyming stanzas, which little ears almost always enjoy. And, to accompany the rhymes, the pictures are lovely in greyscale and some minimal color. The illustrator also does something neat by hiding animals like rabbits, squirrels, birds, deer, and foxes throughout the book. Ask kids to be interactive and count how many animals they are able spot on each page!

Where we acquired this book: