Ike’s Incredible Ink

We Read:
Ike’s Incredible Ink
by Brianne Farley
Published by Candlewick Press

iiicollage1Lee is clearly not in the mood for me to interrupt his storytime with a photoshoot

An ambitious inkblot named Ike needs some inspiration for his incredible story.

What Parents Will Love:
For parents and caretakers who worry about their kids dragging their feet when it’s time to clean up toys or put on their shoes, Ike’s Incredible Ink will help us think more positively about procrastination, and the creative process in general. Let me break it down: Ike wants to write a story, but he’s stuck. He thinks about what other books (and comics, and maps) have that he’s missing, and the answer is obvious… their own ink! Of course he’s got to get himself equipped with some of that before he can get down to business. In the end, his adventures lead him to the story he was trying to write all along. Collective “aww,” guys. And, as a writer, I am totally digging this book. I think it’s a great read for us creative types, adults and children alike.

 What Kids Will Love:
Brianne Farley’s illustrations are super energetic, which children adore! They’ll also be able to relate to Ike’s (ink-making) tangent, and enjoy joining in his quest to collect and concoct the perfect ink ingredients. With him, they’ll travel on a journey to the dark side of the moon, and work alongside Ike in his chemistry lab. In fact, Lee’s favorite part of the whole book were the front and back cover pages, filled with hand-drawn beakers and bottles. Who knows, maybe I’ve got a budding chemist?

Where We Acquired This Book:

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